Annual Wellness Check
During your annual wellness visit at MAIA, Dr. Wolowick or Dr. Mitchell will examine your breasts and pelvic area and take you through each screening test to ensure you’re in optimal health. If we find anything, we’ll also discuss the next steps and get you started on treatment right away.
At MAIA, we diagnose and treat many different gynecologic issues every day. Whether you’re struggling with fibroids or endometriosis, are worried about STDs, or are having severe menstrual cramps, our team will build you a treatment plan that addresses all your needs.
At MAIA, we use the pelvic ultrasound to take a look at the reproductive organs and look for any irregularities. It can be a great way to spot a number of different concerns, including fibroids and cysts, and diagnose issues like abnormal uterine bleeding and post-menopausal bleeding.
A sonohysterogram is a relatively simple procedure we use to look inside the uterus. Also known as a saline infusion sonogram (SIS), saline is injected into the uterus so we can get a clearer picture of any irregularities. This procedure allows us to see uterine fibroids, polyps, cancer, and more.
At MAIA, we offer a number of in-office procedures for your convenience. These procedures include IUD insertion and removal, diagnostic procedures, and removal of polyps and skin tags.
Out Of Town Patients
Traveling In To See Us?
We are located in Downer’s Grove, approximately 22 miles west of downtown Chicago. Our location is conveniently located along major transportation routes Interstate 88 and Interstate 355, making us easily accessible to anyone visiting.

Meet Our Team
Experienced Physicians
We have an amazing team at MAIA! From Dr. Wolowick and Dr. Mitchell to our entire support staff, you couldn’t be in better hands when you come into our Downers Grove, IL office.
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